
In addition to being consumed as a fresh salad fruit in the food industry, beneficial to the heart and circulatory system, the production areas of avocados, which are used in the cosmetic industry by making sunscreen and beauty creams, health soaps and cosmetic shampoos, have increased to 5,000 decares in Antalya.
Avocado production, which is one of the tropical products grown in our country and whose cultivation and consumption is becoming widespread day by day, is increasing rapidly every year. While avocado production areas are expanding, there is an increase in productivity with the use of new varieties and techniques. 89% of avocado production, which can be found in the market in the bazaar and whose consumption has increased rapidly throughout the country with its positive effects on health, is made in Antalya.

Avocado, which is one of the fruits that can be used as a vegetable as well as being one of the fruits that can be extracted from oil like olive oil and also used in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, was produced in an area of ​​590 decares in 2004, with 252 tons of production.

Avocado, which is grown intensively in Gazipaşa and Alanya districts, has also become widespread in Manavgat, Aksu and Serik districts. Antalya is a region suitable for growing a wide range of agricultural products due to its climate and geographical conditions. Avocado, which is cultivated in nearly 50 countries on 5 continents, has an evergreen, tropical fruit type. "Avocado is grown for commercial purposes only on the Mediterranean coastline due to the limited areas grown due to its selectivity in ecological conditions. In our country, 81 percent of avocado production is realized in Antalya with 2,567 tons on 4 thousand 925 decares. In Antalya, the highest production is carried out. It is carried out in Alanya, Gazipaşa, Manavgat and Aksu districts.

According to TUIK data for 2018, avocado production in Turkey was 225 tons in 1997, while this figure reached 3 thousand 164 tons in 2018, increasing approximately 14 times. While the average yield per tree is around 4045 kilograms in the world, this value can reach up to 5060 kilograms in Turkey. While avocado, a fruit rich in vitamin C, was sold in certain grocery stores and certain districts until 10 years ago, it has been started to be sold not only in national market chains but also in neighborhood markets and markets with the recognition of our country in recent years and the change in our habits and tastes." is consumed. It is a fruit that is beneficial for the heart and circulatory system with its high nutritional value and monounsaturated oleic fatty acid content, and is also very rich in vitamins A, C and E, potassium, calcium and magnesium.